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# A5: Navigation and Cards
## Assignment Description
Practice simple layout concepts by updating the navigation layout on all pages. Also update the styles of the home page and about page.
## Instructions
1. Find what each page should look like in the [mockups](mockups/) folder
1. Find the specs in the [specs](specs/) folder
1. Update the Navigation on all pages
- Set the google font
- Change the logo class and styling
- add the clearing div to the main-content
1. Update the Home page
- Add the styles to the cards
1. Update the About page
- add the photo style so it's rounded with a drop shadow
- update the list styles and class names so they have a yellow left border
1. Turn in
## Requirement Checklist:
- Can you access the assignment mockups online? `https://{username}.github.io/web1/assignment-5`
- Are the main navigation links aligned to the right and logo to the left on all pages?
- Do the main navigation links have a rounded border on hover
- Is the web font used in the navigation, hero titles, and card titles?
- Check the home page:
- Are the 3 cards on the same line horizontally?
- Do the 3 cards have a lighter gray description?
- Do the cards get bigger on hover?
- Check the about page:
- Is the profile photo round?
- Do the lists have a yellow border on the left?
- Are the list titles in yellow?
- Are the list items large and dark grey?